Monday, November 14, 2011

Used Tanning Beds

In today's economic climate saving money is important and if you are in the market for a tanning bed then it is tempting to buy a used tanning bed rather than a new one and save some hard earned money. But this may not be such a wise decision in the long run.

Run a comparative search online and check the quotes for used tanning beds to get the picture.

You may be surprised to learn that there is not such a big price drop for these items as compared to brand new products. Some used tanning beds could even cost around $5,000 on eBay for instance.

One other issue to take into consideration is that some used tanning beds belong to older collections with ultraviolet lamps that are no longer considered safe but the advertising descriptions may not mention it. Just like there could be other hidden flaws that are not disclosed by the seller.

Experts advise potential buyers of used tanning beds to look for sellers who have legitimate reasons to dispose of the items. Home users are the first ones to check with. Have a look at the classifieds and chances are that you will find good used tanning beds that are still within their warranty period.

“Moving out” or “salon closing” are the two main situations that help one find powerful and resistant used tanning beds that are still in good shape.

Check forums to see what other people believe about brand models. You can also get access to negative and positive reviews and learn something to help you choose among used tanning beds. You could even talk to salespeople in this activity sector and ask them about the model you are thinking to purchase in the second-hand variant.

Though most of them will try to convince you to avoid used tanning beds and get new equipment, chances are that they will also disclose some tips on the function specificity, resistance, durability and other model features.

Also base your decisions on tanning beds that you have experience with - maybe you've used a particular model in the past and have some personal findings that will help you get a good tanning bed at a decent price.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are Tanning Salons Safe?

Many people looking for a tanned look choose the tanning salon option rather than natural tanning because they believe is is more convenient and safer than lying in the sun all day.

But tanning in a tanning salon are not without risk.

Studies indicate that even when sunbathing we do get a small level of skin protection by the secretion of melanin. Natural sun light also causes a thickening process at the skin level.

Such “defenses” against radiation are absent from the body reaction to the UVA rays used in tanning salons. Scientists even point out that the chances to get skin cancer are 5% higher for people who use tanning salons just once a month, and the risk increases with more frequent exposures. Here are some things you should check with tanning salons if you still decide to use their services.

Tanning salons that do not have usage instructions and goggles to protect your eyes from the radiation should be definitely avoided. Maybe they cost just $3 for a ten-minute session, but your health deserves better. In some tanning salons, a towel is used as a means to protect the eyes from the action of the ultraviolets but this is not adequate protection.

Burning is no longer the most serious side effect we should fear from ultraviolets exposure: there are more conspicuous problems to be considered, and our ignorance will surely not make them disappear. You have to protect not just skin, but the eyes and overall body structure as such.

Even though the risks of tanning salons have been widely talked about, their services are still preferred to outdoor sun tanning during the summer months. More than two million Americans pay for tanning every day particularly during winter. On the other hand, figures indicate an alarming rate of melanoma, the most devastating form of cancer that can affect the human body. Just in the United States one million people develop some form of skin cancer, and the highest incidence has been reported in the areas with intenser ultraviolet exposure.

So maybe tanning salons are more convenient but they are definetly not safer than natural tanning.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tanning Pills - How Effective Are They?

Knowing the main factors that influence tan formation could prove helpful for the understanding of the mechanism behind tanning pills and their efficiency or lack of efficiency.

This means that genetic predisposition and the level of exposure to ultraviolets are the two main elements that influence tanning. As for nutrition, diet has a very light word to say in the matter of getting tanned. Take the example of a fair-skinned Caucasian person; regardless of how many tanning pills she/he will use, tanning will still be difficult given the low melanin concentration in the skin cells.

Some tanning pills contain canthaxanthin which is also used as a color additive in the manufacturing of food products. Though the Food and Drug Agency has approved this use, not the same thing can be said about the safety of cantharxanthin as a tanning agent. The difference results from the fact that in food, only a small quantity of chemical is necessary, whereas in tanning pills, very large concentrations are required.

The effect of the chemical consists in the depositing of the substance below the skin giving it the brown orange-brown color; unfortunately, serious side effects are related to the administration of this kind of tanning pills.

Hepatitis cases have been related to the use of canthaxanthin tanning pills. The FDA banished these products and issued warnings in relation to their use. Another kind of tanning pills that are currently tested in Australia rely on a hormonal compound to stimulate the secretion of melanin but it appears that this drug is more effective when combined with UV exposure too. Besides these two drug variants, there are all sorts of herbal supplements labeled tanning pills. Yet nutrition does not seem to play such an important role in the quality of the tan, and their efficiency level of tanning pills is pretty low.

So it would seem from the evidence that tanning pills are pretty useless when it comes to suitable skin tanning results but do present quite a few health risks for the user. Caution is necessary before going down the tanning pills route....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sunless Tanning Lotion - Do They Work?

Sunless tanning lotions are marketed by many cosmetic houses and they offer an attractive option to real tanning. The result of using a sunless tanning lotion is immediate and painless as well as being applied at whatever level of privacy the user requires.

But do they offer a viable result - does the tan look real?

DHA is the basic ingredient of any self tanning lotion. This substance reacts with the amino-acids present in the upper skin layers and leads to the appearance of the beautiful tan color. Hence, when shopping for such products, always check that they contain DHA. Then, skin moisture care is also important given the fact that a tanning lotion with some natural hydration agent will leave the skin soft, beautiful and elastic. Aloe vera for instance works as a great moisturizer, and many of the skincare products include it in their composition. The packages should indicate the concentration level or the proportions in which herbal extracts are present in the lotion.

Last but not least, any user must check the sunscreen properties of the tanning lotion he or she uses. This is the only way to make sure that you don't get exposed to harmful sunlight without even knowing it. Most of the tanning lotion categories contain sunscreen built in, but scientists point out that it is often insufficient. Even if you have a tan, apply a sunscreen product all the same. Not only will it contribute to the beautiful bronze look, but it will prevent the discomfort of sunburns too.

Does a tanning lotion bring a darker tan? A more intense chocolate color of the skin results after multiple applications of a tanning lotion product. The instructions on the package should guide you step by step towards a nice tanned look with all the precautions necessary. It is advisable to talk to a physician in case you suffer from some skin problem; chemical reactions are possible given the fact that the tanning lotion mainly relies on a combination of artificially created substances that induce the pigment at the skin level. Moreover, one of the ingredients could also have low tolerance, which may lead to the appearance of skin rashes and even allergies.

So the answer to the questions asked is that some sunless tanning lotions get the job done and a lovely tan appearance for that evening out but there are many other tanning lotions that will leave you with a streaky finish or even a colour transferance to your clothing - not so great.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tanning Indoors

Does indoor tanning offer an acceptable tanning option.

One important thing you should know about tanning indoors is that all countries have regulations that make salons and other tanning facilities maintain a high level in the procedures. So that makes it safer and healthier for your long term skin care.

Periodical tests, maintenance inspections and all sorts of check exams are also performed in order to prevent the overuse of the tanning equipment and possible faulty functions. Moreover, for tanning indoors, salons have to post warnings, instructions and lists of drugs that are not compatible with ultraviolet exposure.

Even so, the level of control available over skin health is definitely higher with artificial tanning than with regular sunbathing. But that doesn't mean that it is entirely without risk. You are - after all - burning your outer layer of skin until it is lightly browned. So can indoor tanning result in skin burn?

There is a time limit per session meaning that in the case of a regular tanning bed, the usage is limited to twenty minutes at the maximum, whereas with a tanning booth, the time frame is of ten or fifteen minutes. Over exposure means that the skin is at risk of burning and the tanner should take some responsibility to make sure that the tanning standards are adhered to.

Even so, these are the average values for a person who has already developed a base tan. If you have never not been exposed to artificially created ultraviolets, then, tanning indoors requires patience and gradual exposure. You will then be able to get to the twenty minutes limit only after a month of progressive tanning.

Drug-induced photo-sensitivity is one very serious and frequent problem associated with tanning indoors facilities. Such accidents occur when the person is unaware that the medication she/he is taking could become skin offending when in contact with ultraviolet radiation.

Blister formation, burns, rashes and other irritation plagues could be the immediate consequence. Prevention is the best way to remain unaffected by these incidents. You cannot blame the tanning indoors salon for the issue, since the drug list they have posted is a general not a complete one.