Does indoor tanning offer an acceptable tanning option.
One important thing you should know about tanning indoors is that all countries have regulations that make salons and other tanning facilities maintain a high level in the procedures. So that makes it safer and healthier for your long term skin care.
Periodical tests, maintenance inspections and all sorts of check exams are also performed in order to prevent the overuse of the tanning equipment and possible faulty functions. Moreover, for tanning indoors, salons have to post warnings, instructions and lists of drugs that are not compatible with ultraviolet exposure.
Even so, the level of control available over skin health is definitely higher with artificial tanning than with regular sunbathing. But that doesn't mean that it is entirely without risk. You are - after all - burning your outer layer of skin until it is lightly browned. So can indoor tanning result in skin burn?
There is a time limit per session meaning that in the case of a regular tanning bed, the usage is limited to twenty minutes at the maximum, whereas with a tanning booth, the time frame is of ten or fifteen minutes. Over exposure means that the skin is at risk of burning and the tanner should take some responsibility to make sure that the tanning standards are adhered to.
Even so, these are the average values for a person who has already developed a base tan. If you have never not been exposed to artificially created ultraviolets, then, tanning indoors requires patience and gradual exposure. You will then be able to get to the twenty minutes limit only after a month of progressive tanning.
Drug-induced photo-sensitivity is one very serious and frequent problem associated with tanning indoors facilities. Such accidents occur when the person is unaware that the medication she/he is taking could become skin offending when in contact with ultraviolet radiation.
Blister formation, burns, rashes and other irritation plagues could be the immediate consequence. Prevention is the best way to remain unaffected by these incidents. You cannot blame the tanning indoors salon for the issue, since the drug list they have posted is a general not a complete one.
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